Have Gavel Will Travel
Judge Brian MacKenzie
P.O. Box, 20 Northville, Michigan 48169
Pre-judging is a service that I offer which can improve your pleadings and briefs. A good pleading or brief is one of the most important tools in an attorney’s toolbox. Based solely on the briefs and pleadings, law clerks draft bench memoranda and judges often decide a case long before oral argument. In close cases, briefs are often reviewed again after oral argument when judges are drafting their decision. A clear and persuasive pleading or brief is more important than even the most inspired oral argument. A well drafted pleading or brief is the best way to make an impact on the court.
While the personality and philosophy of a judge effects their approach to decision making, every judge is taught certain techniques about how to review pleadings and briefs. After 27 years on the bench, I can offer assistance and guidelines, as well as a number of practical pointers to help you improve your pleadings and briefs from the perspective of the bench.