Judge MacKenzie (Ret.), and others, supporting Veterans Treatment Courts and honoring our veterans at the Michigan Capital.
Have Gavel Will Travel
Judge Brian MacKenzie
P.O. Box, 20 Northville, Michigan 48169
You have been a compassionate yet principled jurist whose integrity has been beyond reproach...you have made a difference in so many lives. I have personally seen your hand In the process that has allowed so many people to overcome addictions and self-destructive paths. You can look in the mirror and know that you have made a big difference not only in the community, but also in others.
In a world afflicted with fluctuating messages and uncommitted proclamations, Judge Brian Mackenzie brings a message of organized successful justice. When he speaks, he speaks with commitment, passion and knowledge. In my 20 years of teaching and counseling, no one exemplifies a strategy of helping people change more than Judge Mackenzie. The wealth of knowledge concerning specialty courts is especially riveting to listen to.
Brian Mackenzie is a though provoking and dynamic speaker. His knowledge of group dynamics and communications help lead team discussing into uncharted areas. This multi-faced approach and expertise gives Brian a remarkable impact on individuals and teams of professionals. His research into team cohesion provides a unique experience for the audience and the organization employing him.
As a Court Administrator and Past President of the National Association for Court Management (NACM), I have had several opportunities to observe the high quality presentation skills of the Hon. Brian MacKenzie. In large and small venues, including NACM, Michigan Court Managers, American Judges Association, and Michigan Association for Drug Court Professionals, I have witnessed compelling and interactive presentations on diverse topics. I have always appreciated Judge MacKenzie's practical and passionate approaches to improve court services and ensure access to justice for all.